Guide for installing light-wallet for Windows 64 bit
1. Go to, and click on “Wallets Downloads”, after which page with list of wallet versions will open
2. Then click on “Windows 64 bit Swamp Lightwallet”, after which page will open
3. In the window that opens, click «SWAMP.Litewallet.Client.msi Download» after which the file for installing the wallet will begin to download
4. By default file will be saved on computer in «Downloads» folder. Now let’s launch light-wallet install by double clicking on installation file
5. Then click “Next >“
6. Then choose “I accept…” and click again “Next >“
7. Here you can change installation path, for this example we will install in suggested default path – that means we don’t change anything and click “Next >“
8. Click “Install“
9. Then click “Finish“
10. For convenience, drag launch shortcut from start menu to desktop
11. Then double click launch shortcut, in window that opens click “Create Profile“
12. Then write your username (nickname) and click “Submit”
13. Then set your password and click “Submit”
14. At next window write again your password and click “Submit”
15. Then working window of wallet will open, where there will be menu of wallet actions. Field above menu contains wallet address which you can transfer coins
16. If you click “Send SWAMP”, then window for sending coins will appear
Interface of wallet app is simple and intuitive.
Light-wallet supports unlimited number of addresses, but balance is displayed for each address separately, and when sending coins you need to select specific address from which coins will be sent. Therefore, we do not recommend creating many addresses.
Guide for backup light-wallet settings
For create backup go to folder where wallet was installed. By default this folder is located in system folder “Documents” and next “Lightwallet Client > swamp-light”
In folder “swamp-light” you will see file named *_profile.json. * – Your username. This is configuration file that we need to save in separate place or storage
Then copy this file to another location for backup recovery, or transferring wallet to another PC