Road Map

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Coin Technical & Tool Base

Update Official Site. Make Reserve Block Explorers

Creating Native Light Web-Wallet

Creating Native Wallet-Bots For Telegram & Discord

Creating More Guides For Working With Coin. Actions To Community Growth: Marketing & Promotion

Together With Community Choosing Strategic Path For Development Of Coin:
A – Updating Existing Code Base.
B – Complete Transition To Top Blockchains In Form Of Token

Creation Custodial Bridges For Wrapping Into Popular Chains Like: ETH, BNB, SOL, PLG, TON. Optional Add POS consensus

Listing On Exchanges Of Such Level As: MEXC, P2B, CoinEx, XT etc, And Integration With Wallet Services

Listing On Partners P2P-Services For Exchange To Fiat Currencies

Attracting Professional Developers, Designers and Influencers To Swampcoin Team

Adoption Of New Development Steps Will Be Announced

Related Services

Creating NFT-Stake Service which include:

  1. NFT Store In Auction Mode
  2. Back Reward Pay Module
  3. Airdrop Payment Module For Single NFT Holders
  4. Airdrop Payment Module For NFT Collection Holders
  5. Module For Awarding Gift NFTs To New Participants
    *User Interface Is Discord-Bot

Automation Existing Investment Services Through Implementation Bot Interfaces In Discord & TG

Creating Service, Which Allows Take Swampcoin Bailed By USDT With Daily Fee, For Trading On Principle Of Short Positions On Exchange

Adding Automated Referral Reward Program By Generating Promo-codes For Services: NFT-Stake & Fast Invest. Also Automation Of Payments: <Reward For New Member>

Development & Connection To NFT-Stake Service Tap App To Reward & Expand Users. App Will Have Exclusive Action Mechanics

Connecting Advertising Function To NFT-Stake For Partners Who Will Add Their Own Banners & Airdrops In Mechanics Of Work NFT-Stake Service. Which Will Monetize This Service

Creation Multifunctional Statistics Bot For Monitoring & Publishing All Dynamic Info Of Coin & Related Services

Creation Betting Exchange On Crypto & Others Events Chosen By Voting Of Community. Connection Other Exlusive Usable Functions, Which Will Allow Expand Our Partner Network

Development & Creation Of Systems Which Will Allow Connect Online & Offline Spheres. Organization Of Events That Involve Spheres Of Business Not Related To Crypto-World Or Internet In General, For More Effective Promotion

Creation Of Innovative Community Platform. Which will Work By Steps:
*Generation Project Idea
*Presentation in Community
*Approval By Voting
*Formation Of Technical Assignments
*Collect Project Financing
*Project Development
*Project Implementation
*Attracting Users


Our strategy does not include hype goals and words such as: Decentralization, DeFi, GameFi, Metaverses, AI, etc., because that’s all or already there in almost all major blockchains. And (or) there is no significant need to link these things to blockchain technologies, at least at this stage. And (or) these things do not have fundamental innovations that can be passed off as project goals. But, now most of the new crypt-projects algorithmic POW-coins, except for mem-tokens, set these things as their global goals. This is not our way. Any cryptocurrency is primarily a payment, investment and financing tool. Our global goal is to create an infrastructure of many simple and complex cool services in different directions: investments, games, entertainment, quests, training, information processing, etc. And also to create platform where any enthusiast can propose his idea, and this idea can be approved by the community, funding is received, then developed and implemented the real world. Swampcoin will serve as a means of payment, investment and capitalization in this infrastructure.

Fortissimum Vivit, sed Pertinax Vincet !

«The strongest will survive, but the stubborn will win!»
Swampcoin community motto