Reward program for invitations to Discord

This is visual diagram with terms of program for rewarding influencers for invitations to discord.
Program consists of 2 levels:
Influencer: directly invites subscribers to the Discord server.
Super Influencer: receives reward when subscribers which he invites become influencers and begin inviting their subscribers
Influencer receives 100 coins for each invitation.
Super Influencer receives 33 % from income of his Influencers, in other words: he receives 33 coins from each subscriber who is invited by Influencers.
Counting and monitoring of this data is done according to messages from “InviteManager” bot, which posts messages in text channel “Read-Me-For-Access”
Invitation statistics are absolutely transparent and visible to everyone in form of posts in this text channel.
Participate at program for rewarding influencers contact
For example:

Influencer with nickname “Qstx” on date 02/04/2024 invited 3 subscribers and will receive 3×100=300 coins.
Guide on how to get your discord-link to invite friends outside of Discord.

Then click “Generate a New Link”