After the first installation of the wallet, its synchronization with network will take 5-7 hours. This happens because the application will download and process the entire blockchain from the beginning. To speed up this process to 5-10 minutes: follow the instructions below in this guide.
1. Go to website, then click on menu “Info & Manuals” and “Chain for win64 Download”, after which file “” will begin downloading to your PC
2. For example, we will download to default folder: that is, with the name “Downloads”. After download is complete, right click and in drop-down menu “Extract All”. In next window, click “Extract All…”, after which archive will be unpacked and then folder with unpacked files will appear below
3. Then we need to open working folder of wallet. To see path to this folder, click on “Tools” and then in drop-down menu on “Information”
4. In window that opens, select path line
5. Hover the mouse over selected line, then right-click and “copy”. After that close wallet app
6. Then(do not close window of “Dowloads” folder described in chapter 2)we need to open another window on your computer and paste it into path line. After that, in this window we will see contents of wallet’s working folder
7. Then select everythingexcept “Wallet.dat” file
8. Next step is to delete all files except “Wallet.dat” file. Hover mouse over selected files and then right-click and “Delete”
9. After deletion, there should be 1 file “Wallet.dat” left in folder
10. Then, without closing wallet folder, go to “Downloads” folder and then to “Swampcoin_win64_chain” folder
11. In this folder, select all the files and then right click and “Cut”
12. Now we return to wallet folder window: right click and “Paste”
13. After this, files will be moved to this folder. The blockchain update is ready, now we can launch our wallet application
14. In wallet application window, we will now see approximate remaining time of blockchain synchronization. Then we wait for synchronization to complete
15. when synchronization is complete, we will see green symbol in lower right corner of window, which means that wallet is completely ready for use